Monday, July 17, 2006

I love my job I love my job I love my job....

Nope, still not working.

I used to love my job I used to love my job I used to love my job..................Today, I wanted to walk out! I have hundreds of changes due by this cutoff, which is Wednesday as you all know. I have lost my supervisor and now I have to do my job as well as hers. I can't even answer my phone anymore because if I did, I'd never get anything done (which I'm not anyway because I'm constantly handling complaints at the front desk!) Our workers can't even get their work done timely now but we are expected to "loan" workers to other offices?!? This has gotten completely out of hand!

Now they say that Worker IVs can no longer be "acting supervisors". WELL HELL - Get me a damn supervisor so I don't have to do that job also! These idiots have really pissed me off now!

Anyone reading this an attorney? Know an attorney? We need a class action lawsuit against the State of Texas!

Note from blogger: Received from a "front line staff", names and offices always protected, of course.


Anonymous said...

If you want to find fraud, check out the company that Accenture is using to staff a majority of it's technical positions. Just happens to be the wife of a Sr. Accenture employee...

Anonymous said...

Let me guess, Greg Phillips' wife?Then who?

Anonymous said...

What company? You have intrigued interest here, don't back off.

Anonymous said...

Ditto!! Lets blow this wide open...

hhscsurvivalist said...

Can you just give us the name of the company? If you are referring to Greg Phillips, that is old news. But if you have information of another.......