Friday, June 23, 2006

Been too busy

to post anything, but I'm making time for this. I found out today that my Program Manager is being paid PM salary to scan cases in Austin! My understanding is that was supposed to have been done by a private contractor. Makes me wonder if the HHSC is in such a bind that they had to cancel that contract? Hmmmm.....Makes me wonder alot of other things too!


Anonymous said...

What do you mean by scanning cases? Is it what I think you mean, actually scanning physical case like they scan applications for TIERS. I've heard that offices are short handed, but this takes the cake. I had voluntered for the Katrina and went to Houston. The PM there was the receptionist but that is different, because she was helping out and freeing up a clerk for the mass intake of people.

hhscsurvivalist said...

From what I hear, and mind you, this is not confirmed, I'm talking about the PM physically scanning each document in the casefile to the computer system...whether it be TIERS or some other system. I had heard that our files were going to eventually be scanned by private contractors so we will not have any "paper" files and therefore, not need for a "central filing area".

And yes, it appears to be "what you think I mean"....and I agree. What a waste of staff man hours! (Just wish our PM would volunteer for reception duty...)

Actually, I'd like to see Hawkins, Weilengenstein or whatever her name is, Goodman and the rest of them work the reception desk! HA!