Friday, May 12, 2006

Another Friday over with - a 10 hour day now. I can't believe how much work there is now! If I hadn't had such a headache and wasn't so tired, I'd probably still be there.

We're losing a few more of our "temps"......and a couple more regular staff. They're going to CPS. They're actually happy about it. Once upon a time, CPS was viewed as the last resort. After all, they bear the weight of responsibility for so many children, and the blame when they system fails (and I don't mean just in CPS, mistakes are made by the courts also). Their turnover rate used to be much higher than ours. Now we're abandoning ship to get out of HHSC.

(I always said I was going to ride this ship down.)

There was a hail-storm in the news yesterday. I'm not finding much today, but I did get to catch up on Lost via MSNBC.

Well, I think it's Miller Time now. Enough HHSC for the day.


Anonymous said...

hi i read your post, are you in San Antonio at the local TAA office? Just curious, I am wondering if we will still have jobs after the 25th when mandatory overtime is suppose to be over?/thanks..tired and desperate..

hhscsurvivalist said...

No, I am not in a call center. I just have very good "sources".

If you are an Accenture employee, I can't answer your question about a job.

If you are HHSC, you'll be safe for at least a year, but if you were hired for the call center and they "let you go", we are posting TONS of "temporary" worker jobs for HHSC.

If you are an Accenture call center employee, I would be interested in your thoughts and experiences - given and posted anonymously of course. We all know how vindictive HHSC and Accenture are these days!